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Testolife, 60 Vegicaps
$33.25 each for 2 bottles
$31.50 each for 3 bottles and more
Growing Old Doesn't Mean Abandoning Sex!
Don't Let Constantly Declining Testosterone Levels Deprive You of Your Manhood!
1 to 3 capsules twice a day.
No More Limp or Weak Erections
No More Weak or Absent Sex Drive
No More Flabby Muscles
No More Sexual Performance Fear
No More Lack of Stamina
"Nearly all doctors will tell you that your days of intense sexual pleasure
are over� gone forever� never to be regained. I not only disagree but have
wholly natural immediate solution."
Sighi Drassinower, M.D.
If You Want to Restore Your Life to the Full Sexual Power You Enjoyed in
Your Teens and 20�s, You Need TestoLife.
TestoLife Delivers What You Want
and Need
TestoLife goes far beyond anything you�ve seen before. You get 10 powerful,
clinically tested and proven natural weapons that will turbo-charge your
sexual performance and maximize your manliness.
TestoLife goes beyond the widely promoted drugs like Viagra and Cialis whose
dangerous side-effects have been well documented in the press. These drugs
give only a temporary lift to your sex life. They do not and never will
restore your virility and libido. They do not help you produce more
testosterone. They are only temporary and futile efforts to make you
temporarily sexually active.
You�ll radiate sexual health, confidence and vigor. Your lover will not be
able to resist you. Your self-esteem will be reflected in unsurpassed sexual
TestoLife is Guaranteed to Ignite Your Sexual Performance and Regain the
Same Manhood You Enjoyed in Your Youth�
Or You Pay Absolutely Nothing!
You are about to make the most important decision of the last 10, 20, 30
years. You can decide today to restore your manhood to its sexual peak and
have 60 days to change your mind � with no risk whatsoever. Your decision to
try this amazing break-through sex-boosting product is backed by a 100%, no
strings attached money back guarantee. If after 60 days you aren�t astonished
by your renewed sexual desire and performance� if you are not feeling stronger
and more confident about your manliness, you�ll get a 100% refund of your
purchase price, absolutely guaranteed.
Don�t pass up this opportunity to restore your manliness. This extraordinary
breakthrough formula may be your best chance to experience long-lasting sexual
energy, stronger erections, and the strengths of a man half your age. Take
advantage of this offer right now and begin to immediately enjoying the most
intense sexual pleasure of your life.
Dr. Drassinower�s Formulation Increases Testosterone Levels in Any Man and at
Any Age, Whether You Are 35 or 75, or Even 85 or 95
Testosterone is the hormone that defines your life. As men age it declines
substantially, and at age 60 it�s about 20% of the levels experienced at its
peak at about age 25.
Until now there has been very little that man could do to arrest this age
related decline. Your doctor says it�s just a natural process that they cannot
Look at yourself. What do you see?
No desire to sexually satisfy your lover? Too weak or limp to show her how
much of a man you are? Unable to maintain rock-hard erections and the stamina
to put it to use? Lacking the confidence and self-esteem to satisfy the
ladies? Have you just given up sexual pleasure and satisfaction? Settled into
the routine of growing old daily?
This need not be either your current life or your future. Dr. Drassinower has
developed a complete and effective solution to the decline of your
masculinity. TestoLife restores your life as it increases your testosterone,
without any adverse side-effects whatsoever.
If you want male sexual satisfaction and the powerful feeling of youth that
accompanies it, then testosterone is the only answer. It is the vital hormone
that defines your manliness. Without it you lose sexual desire and power and
rapidly age.
Dr. Drassinower has developed a wholly natural formula that causes your body
to stimulate testosterone levels� without a prescription. Combined with his
whole healthy plan to naturally stimulate testosterone you will
Regain the sexual power you may have lost and your lover wants;
Boost your physical stamina and generate new energy to keep on going� not only
sexually but in all areas of your daily life;
Boost your manhood;
Sharpen your mind, regain self-confidence, and once again have the sexual
power of your youth;
Regain your muscle tone with little exercise.
If You Pass Up This Doctor�s Advice, You not Only Doom Yourself to the Loss of
Sexual Desire and Power but Also Significantly Lower Your Normal Life Span
His name is Sighi Drassinower, M.D. He is a physician that specializes in
natural health and has a specific interest in men�s health. He has seen at
first hand how naturally declining testosterone levels wreck havoc on the
lives of almost all men.
Dr. Drassinower has written extensively on the subject of male andropause,
which is the medical term for the sexual, physical and medical decline that
all men experience as they age. Dr. Drassinower has discovered a formulation
of wholly natural herbs, hormones, amino acids, and minerals that will change
this for you once and for all.
Dr. Drassinower has researched every medical report, spoke to his fellow
experts in the field of male andropause, and found the hidden secrets to
boosting man�s most important hormone � TESTOSTERONE. He has discovered how
men can turn their bodies into a testosterone-producing machine.
Before I reveal this secret to you, let me explain how men lose their stamina
and sexual desire. First, think back to the time in your teens and 20�s when
you had that urge to have sex every day� all day and night long. Remember when
you had the energy of a teenager and the strength of a young stallion.
Remember, when you had only one thing on your mind � SEX.
You were probably having such a good time that you were not even aware of the
creeping changes in your sexual life. You may not even be aware of them today,
but eventually you will be. Sometime between the age of 40 and 50 you will
start to fall apart. Your everlasting erections and sexual stamina became
history. You may have the desire but your ability to satisfy it became greatly
You have entered what medical doctor�s who understand this subject call male
andropause or PADAM � Partial Androgen Deficiency in Males. Until today it has
been regarded as a normal part of aging that is accompanied by a gradual
decline in their sexuality, mood, and energy. Often, it will expose men to
even more serious health risks like prostate enlargement , loss of bone and
skeletal strength, and heart disease. A drop in hormone levels, especially a
drop in males� all important testosterone levels, causes it.
The list of potential problems from falling testosterone levels is endless.
But the worst ones are those that hit you below the belt. The drop in your
testosterone levels leads directly to a lack of sexual desire, fewer and
weaker orgasms, and a decline of physical stamina. It even leads to premature
loss of hair and balding.
But that�s not all. When you experience declining testosterone levels, it�s
not only your sexual performance that suffers. You lose self-esteem and
confidence begins to decrease. Your strength and muscles and reflexes weaken.
You lose muscle tone and bones become less dense and more fragile. You are
easily fatigued. You feel old and in declining health. The extra pounds appear
and are increasingly difficult to lose. You are aging and aging rapidly with
each passing month and year.
Your Sex Life Is About to Change Forever!
If you were to read Dr. Drassinower�s book, "The Key to a Healthy Prostate",
you would understand that your lack of sexual desire and performance are not
your fault and certainly no reason for denial. You would know that you must
NOT convince yourself that a healthy and frequent sex life isn�t important to
you and your lover. In fact, it is more important than you ever thought. It is
the key to healthy aging and an extended, happy, disease free extended life
What�s more important is that Dr. Drassinower can help you. You need not
suffer another day. The good news is that this remarkable doctor has a way to
restore your sexual prowess� easily and effectively. Now, you can obtain the
most complete formula of prosexual nutrients to rapidly increase your
testosterone levels, giving you better health, a stronger body, and harder
Dr. Drassinower�s Testosterone Boosting Formulation is wholly natural and is
based on the best science available in 2005. It is also safe.
It represents everything he has learned from 20 years of study and practice in
the field of male andropause. It�s simply the "state of the art" of natural
prohormal supplements. This remarkable combination of testosterone
"precursors" and essential herbs and minerals is called "TestoLife". It is
called this because it is the beginning of your new life� it can and will
increase essential testosterone levels naturally and effectively.
Let me help you understand how this class of natural testosterone-boosters
found in TestoLife enables your body to improve the testosterone levels you
need to feel younger, stronger, and sexier.
Get Ready to Enjoy More Sexual Pleasure than You Ever Thought You Could Handle
Dr. Drassinower discovered that the very best way to use these precursors is
to take several together. This precise blend of ingredients is synergistic,
that is, it is far more effective to take them together than separately. Each
ingredient taken together reinforces the power of the others to boost and
increase your testosterone levels.
The result is that each ingredient is used in the right combination together.
It delivers more masculinity in a single pill than any other male virility
product you might have used. It delivers this power without any risk or safety
Ten Testosterone Level Boosters
Eurycoma Longifolia, commonly known as Tongkat Ali in Malaysia and Pasak Bumi
in Indonesia, is a shrub-tree found growing wild along the hilly slopes of the
rainforest of Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia. Tongkat Ali (Ali�s
walking stick) has been commonly prescribed in Malay and Aslian herbal
medicine as a febrifuge and a remedy for intermittent fever (malaria), ulcer,
and as an aphrodisiac for men. In Indonesia, the plant is called �Pasak Bumi�
and the roots are used for traditional treatment of dysentery and tertian
malaria. In Vietnam, the plant is called �Cay Ba Binh,� the tree that cures a
hundred diseases. Longjack is in the superior class of herbs having powerful
and numerous benefits in the system.
Primary Benefits
Improving testosterone production
Improving physical and mental performance
Enhancing energy level, endurance, and stamina
Reducing mental fatigue and exhaustion
Improving immune system
DHEA Shows Promise in Treating Erectile Dysfunction
Plays Important Role in the
Biology of Aging
It happens regularly to millions of men in this country � yet few talk about
it. The inability to achieve or maintain an erection, otherwise known as
erectile dysfunction (ED), affects men increasingly as they age. Since DHEA
levels show a similar age-linked decline, scientists have posed the obvious
question: Could DHEA be a key biological agent for sustaining healthy male
sexual function? Researchers from the University of Vienna recently tracked
the results of DHEA replacement therapy in a group of forty men with ED, aged
41-69, over a 24-week period. These men suffered from early loss of erection,
which made them unable to complete intercourse. To ensure that the study was
double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled, another group of men with ED
was administered a placebo capsule. Results were compared using the
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), a standard tool for the
clinical assessment of ED. The researchers uncovered what they called a
"biologically obvious trend" � a statistically significant increase in all
domains of IIEF in the DHEA group compared to the control group, including
improved erectile function, orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse
satisfaction, and overall satisfaction. �DHEA treatment demonstrated the first
clinical effects after 8 weeks and an impressive improvement in maintaining
the erection after 16 weeks,� researchers observed, with no negative side
effects reported. These findings bolster the results of the Massachusetts Male
Aging Study of 1994, which found an inverse correlation between DHEA levels
and the incidence of ED in men. Erectile dysfunction is estimated to affect 30
million men in the U.S. alone. DHEA levels normally peak in a man�s late 20s
and early 30s, declining to nearly one-third their youthful levels as men age.
Previous studies have linked low DHEA with heart disease, aging, and other
degenerative conditions.
Source: Reiter WJ, Pycha A, Schatzl G, Pokorny A, Gruber D, Huber JC,
Marberger M. Dehydroepiandrosterone in the treatment of erectile dysfunction:
a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Urology
Tribulus Terrestris is an herb also known as the puncture vine, and has been
used for centuries in Europe as a treatment for impotence and as a stimulant
to help enhance sexual drive and performance. On the athletic front, this
potent herb has been studied and observed to enhance LH (luteinizing hormone)
production and raise testosterone levels. The increased testosterone levels by
Tribulus Terrestris will have a positive effect on strength and stamina.
Athletes are using Tribulus Terrestris to help ensure their own natural levels
of testosterone are at a normal level at all times. Tribulus Terrestris does
not work the way prohormones such as Androstenedione and DHEA. It is a natural
stimulant of LH. In fact, a person that has used a prohormone, should use
Tribulus Terrestris on the "off cycle" to help their own testosterone levels
return to normal, which is what the prohormone will suppress. On the "off
cycle", many men feel weak, tired, and moody because their own natural
testosterone levels have been suppressed. Tribulus Terrestris will help
alleviate these symptoms. Clinical studies in Bulgaria showed Tribulus
Terrestris improved reproductive functions, including increased sperm
production and testosterone levels in men. Among women, Tribulus Terrestris
increased the concentration of hormones including estradiol, with testosterone
being very slightly influenced, thereby improving reproductive function,
libido, and ovulation.
What does Tribulus Terrestris do?
Increases the natural level of testosterone
Increases strength and stamina
Alleviates tired, weak moody feelings on the "off cycle" of a prohormone
Stimulates sexual drive and performance
Increases sperm production
Improves reproductive function, libido, and ovulation
Epimedium Sagittum may not sound serious, but in reality, it could provide a
serious boost to those who need it. An all-natural phyto-aphrodisiac, it�s
based on the latest scientific research into male performance and well-being.
Epimedium Sagittum is a traditional botanical medicine used in China and
Japan. Although this herb (which also goes by the names Yin Yang Huo,
Inyokaku, and Herba Epimedii, Horny Goat Weed) has a history of traditional
use for disorders of the kidneys, joints, liver, back and knees, its principle
use is as an aphrodisiac. According to one herbal author, Epimedium Sagittum
has testosterone-like effects. It stimulates sexual activity in both men and
women, increases sperm production, stimulates the sensory nerves, and
increases sexual desire. Epimedium Sagittum�s aphrodisiac effects have been
verified in both animal and human research. Mice treated with an Epimedium
Sagittum preparation produced "apparent effects on the improvement of
sexuality". It was also shown to improve sperm producing capability. Since
Epimedium Sagittum has been traditionally used for kidney disease, it�s
interesting that research has demonstrated a sexual potentiation effect and
improved quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure who were given
Epimedium Sagittum. Research has shown that Epimedium Sagittum significantly
increases testosterone in mice. This certainly appears to be the herb�s
mechanism of action, although Epimedium Sagittum may have more than one. For
example, it has been established that sexual arousal is linked to the activity
of cholinergic neurotransmitters. However, an enzyme called
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inactivates cholinergic neurotransmitters within
1/500 of a second. As it turns out, research shows that Epimedium Sagittum is
capable of inhibiting AChE. Such an inhibition may support higher levels of
the key cholinergic neurotransmitters associated with sexual arousal. In
addition, research has shown that Epimedium Sagittum has anti-fatigue effects
and helps prevents adrenal exhaustion. Horny Goat Weed (epimedium): Will it
make you horny, too? by Ray Sahelian, M.D. Epimedium is a pungent ornamental
herb found in Asia and the Mediterranean. The Chinese call epimedium Yin Yang
Huo, which loosely means �licentious goat plant.� Legend has it that the name
horny goat weed came from a herder who noticed his goats becoming more
sexually active after eating the plant. Supplement companies have adopted the
provocative name by which it is known in the U.S. Horny goat weed was named
epimedium because it is similar to a plant found in the ancient Asian kingdom
of Media, now a part of Iran. Epimedium is a genus of many related plant
species and some are used for medicinal purposes, including Epimedium
sagittatum, Epimedium brevicornum, and Epimedium koreanum. Although epimedium
has a history of traditional use for disorders of the kidneys, joints, and
liver, its principle use in the United States is as an aphrodisiac and to
combat fatigue. What the research says about epimedium Very little research
has been published in the Western medical literature regarding this plant. Our
Chinese study investigated the therapeutic effect of epimedium sagittatum on
22 patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis. Twelve patients with
hemodialysis were served as controls. Epimedium sagittatum had a sex enhancing
effect and improved their quality of life. Epimedium mechanism of action The
exact way that epimedium works remains unclear. Animal studies have shown that
it may influence levels of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine,
serotonin, and dopamine and reduce cortisol levels. The leaves of epimedium
sagittatum contain a variety of flavonoids, icariin, sterols and an alkaloid
called magnaflorine. It�s quite possible epimedium sagittatum influences
several aspects of human sexual biochemistry. Icariin is thought to help with
erectile function.
Arginine is the primary source of nitrous oxide (NO) � an odorless gas made of
nitrogen and oxygen that relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to organs
including the heart and penis. By facilitating blood flow through the erectile
tissue of the penis, NO produced from L-arginine can give men erections that
are bigger, harder and frequent.
In a group of 15 men with erectile dysfunction given 2,800mg of arginine per
day for two weeks, six were helped, though none improved while taking placebo.
Available research looks promising and suggests that at least some men are
likely to benefit.
[Int J Impot Res 6:pp.33-6,1994]
Muira pauma (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is a Brazilian shrub with a long history
in South American folk medicine as an aphrodisiac and sexual tonic for
promoting virility and treating impotence. Human studies have substantiated
the use of muira pauma for improving libido and treating erectile dysfunction.
In one study conducted at the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France under the
supervision of Dr. Jacques Waynberg, 262 male patients experiencing lack of
sexual desire and the inability to attain or maintain an erection were treated
with 1 to 2.5 grams of muira pauma extract a day. Following two weeks of
treatment, 51 percent of those suffering from erectile dysfunction reported
significant improvement. Additionally, 62% of the patients suffering from loss
of libido reported that the muira pauma extract had, in the words of the
researchers, �a dynamic effect.� A second study conducted by Dr. Waynberg
included 100 men who complained of impotence, loss of libido and sexual
difficulties due to �asthenia,� described as fatigue, loss of strength, or
debility. Following treatment with Muira pauma, 66% of the men reported a
significant increase in frequency of intercourse. Of 46 men complaining of
loss of desire, 70% reported that treatment with muira pauma increased libido.
Another important measure of sexual function, stability of erection during
intercourse, was improved or restored in 55% of the patients. Other benefits
reported included a reduction of fatigue, improved sleep, and increased
morning erections. Treatment with muira pauma was much more effective in cases
with the least psychosomatic involvement. Of the 26 men diagnosed with common
sexual asthenia without noticeable sign of psychosomatic disorder, the
treatment was effective for asthenia in 100% of cases, lack of libido in 85%
of cases, and for inability of coital erection in 90% of cases.
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a hardy perennial plant cultivated high in the
Andes Mountains, at altitudes from 8,000 to 14,500 feet. It has one of the
highest frost tolerances among native cultivated species. Maca has a
low-growing, mat-like stem system, which can go unnoticed in a farmer�s field.
Its scalloped leaves lie close to the ground and it produces small,
self-fertile, off-white flowers typical of the mustard family to which it
belongs. Tribal and herbal medicine uses this energizing plant is also
referred to as Peruvian ginseng (although maca is not in the same family as
ginseng). Maca has been used for centuries in the Andes to enhance fertility
in humans and animals. Soon after the Spanish conquest in South America, the
Spanish found that their livestock was reproducing poorly in the highlands.
The local Indians recommended feeding the animals maca; so remarkable were the
results that Spanish chroniclers gave in-depth reports. Even colonial records
of some 200 years ago indicate that payment of (roughly) nine tons of maca was
demanded from one Andean area alone for this purpose. In Peruvian herbal
medicine today, maca is reported to be used as an immunostimulant; for anemia,
tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms, sterility (and other
reproductive and sexual disorders); and to enhance memory.
Maca has been growing in world popularity over the last several years due to
several large U.S. marketing campaigns touting its energizing, fertility
enhancement, hormonal balancing, aphrodisiac, and, especially, enhanced sexual
performance properties. Other (anecdotal) herbal medicine uses in the U.S. and
abroad includes increasing energy, stamina, and endurance in athletes,
promoting mental clarity, treating male impotence, and helping with menstrual
irregularities, female hormonal imbalances, menopause, and chronic fatigue
The nutritional value of dried maca root is high, resembling those of cereal
grains such as maize, rice, and wheat. It contains 60-75% carbohydrates,
10-14% protein, 8.5% fiber, and 2.2% lipids. The protein content of maca
exists mainly in the form of polypeptides and amino acids (including
significant amounts of arginine, serine, histidine, aspartic acid, glutamic
acid, glycine, valine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and threonine). It also has
about 250 mg of calcium, 2 g of potassium, and 15 mg of iron in 100 g of dried
root-and important amounts of fatty acids (including linolenic, palmitic, and
oleic acids). Maca contains sterols (about 0.05% to 0.1%) and other vitamins
and minerals. In addition to its rich supply of essential nutrients, maca
contains alkaloids, tannins, and saponins.
A chemical analysis conducted in 1981 showed the presence of biologically
active aromatic isothiocyanates (a common chemical found in the mustard family
of plants and shown to be a wood preservative and insecticide). Chemical
research shows maca root contains a chemical called p-methoxybenzyl
isothiocyanate, which has reputed aphrodisiac properties. At least four
alkaloids are also present but have not yet been quantified. Fresh maca root
contains about 1% glucosinolates-plant chemicals found in many plants in the
family Brassicaceae (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other cruciferous
vegetables). Maca�s main plant chemicals include: lkaloids, amino acids,
beta-ecdysone, calcium, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glucosinolates, iron,
magnesium, p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, phosphorus, potassium, protein,
saponins, sitosterols, stigmasterol, tannins, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin
B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc.
Biological activities and clinical research Maca�s fertility-enhancing
properties were reported as early as 1961, when researchers discovered that it
increased fertility in rats. Marketing and resulting sales of maca for sexual
function has been fueled by clinical research since. Studies in 2001 reported
a beneficial effect on male sperm production in rats and improvement of sperm
count and motility in nine healthy adult men. In 2002, a study reported
improved sexual performance in inexperienced male rats; another
�self-perception on sexual desire� test in healthy men reported aphrodisiac or
libido enhancement effects It may well be that maca�s beneficial effects for
sexual function and fertility can be explained simply by its high
concentration of proteins and vital nutrients.
Dried maca root contains about 10% protein � mostly derived from amino acids.
Amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) are required in the diet to
drive many cellular functions in the body � including sexual and fertility
functions. Amino acids are required to manufacture neurotransmitters such as
dopamine and noradrenaline. These substances transmit signals in the nervous
system and play a major role in the process of sexual arousal and physical
performance during sex. The main amino acids that these neurotransmitters
require include phenylalanine, tyrosine, and histidine (all three of which are
found in good supply in maca). The amino acid arginine, of which maca is a
significant source, is thought to assist in the generation of nitric
oxide-which is thought to counteract male impotence (although this is not
clinically validated). Many libido- and sexual-enhancement health supplements
on the market today contain arginine for this reason. Arginine has also
clinically proven to play a role in male fertility through its action of
increasing sperm production and motility. It is highly likely that some of the
sexual and fertility effects reported were due to maca�s high arginine
content. The amino acid histidine also is found in maca root in high amounts.
This amino acid plays an often-overlooked but important role in sexual
function: during ejaculation and orgasm. The body utilizes histidine to
produce histamine, and histamine in the corpus cavernosum (penile erectile
tissue) ultimately is responsible for the way ejaculations happen. Men
suffering from premature ejaculation often show increased histamine activity;
they may be helped by a simple antihistamine, or the amino acid methionine
(which counteracts the formation of histamine from histidine). This is the
same mechanism that explains a side effect of prescription antihistamines �
aorgasmia (or the inability/difficulty to achieve an orgasm). Conversely, men
and women having difficulties achieving orgasms may be helped by histidine
supplementation � this may increase histamine levels in the sexual tract,
which in turn make orgasms and ejaculations easier. An additional pro-sexual
effect of histidine (as well as arginine) may lie in its vasodilating effect,
increasing blood flow to the sex organs. Again, the significant, natural
histidine content of maca may have played a role in the rat studies reporting
a greater number of copulations.
Panax Ginseng (Korean Red Ginseng) increases stamina and energy and has even
shown to increase testosterone levels. When you consider it also has a
positive effect on blood flow, it�s easy to see why ginseng would have a
valuable effect to maintain an erection.
Nettle root (Urtica dioica) blocks 5 alpha reductase, reducing the conversion
of testosterone to DHT. Nettle root appear to contain substances, which bind
to SHBG helping reduce the proportion of bound: free testosterone.
In studies, Bioperine (Black pepper � piper nigrun fruit extract) increases
absorption of other nutrients from 30 to 250% via a process called
thermogenesis. Recent studies have shown that it can greatly increase the
bioavailability of other compounds � such as vitamins, minerals, and herbal
substances. By itself Bioperine does not increase testosterone, but when added
to the TestoLife formula, it causes your body to absorb up to 250% more of the
first 9 testosterone-boosting nutrients described above.
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